
Sunday, February 01, 2009

I managed to have a walk around Seaton Point with Bunty this morning ( DIY on hold until Tuesday). On the way down to Boulmer, 2 Mistle Thrushes on the hedge along the roadside looked to be a pair. It wont be long now before they are nest building, Mistlers are always one of the earliest.

The sea was rough today and a strong cold wind came in-off. The walk was very quiet, enlivened by a few Grey Plover, a pair of Shelduck, 25 Linnets and a Yellowhammer. I checked the gulls, from the car, in Boulmer haven but there were no white wings. The fishermen have lifted their boats on to the shore, so they must be expecting some even rougher seas...

I recieved an interesting email today from Dave Whittaker who is doing a study of marine life. He was enquiring about the Oarfish from the other week. Apparently they are rarer than I thought, with this fish being only the third in Britain for 30 years. The last ones being in 2003 and 1981! A great record for Northumberland.


  1. Stewart, John Steele would like the original finders details as he wants to update a local marine record with the find , can you email him please.

  2. Yes I know Alan, I sent them to him the other day....cheers.
