
Saturday, January 17, 2009

I worked a bit late last night and was on my way home at 8pm when a Barn Owl flew over the car right next to the RAF Radar Base at Lesbury. I was pleased with that but only about a hundred yards further on, a second Barn Owl came over and headed off towards the first. Him and her perhaps?

The other night at this very spot, I noticed the gruesome sight of a Brown Rat gnawing away at a roadkill Hare on the road side. Nice...

This mornings Bunty walk was along the cliffs near Howick and Rumbling Kern. It was a bit breezy so there was little of note, but I did have 61 Curlew and 15 Golden Plover in the field near the road and a glance offshore produced my first Gannet, Fulmar and Kittiwakes of 2009...


  1. I saw 2 barn owls at high newton last night too !

  2. I can't imagine 61 Curlew together!
    A rat gnawing on road kill, why did that make me laugh? My wierd sense of humour!

  3. NS - Barn Owls are doing well at the minute, good news for a change.

    Warren - We often get 200+ at Boulmer so this is quite a conservative count for this area. Late autmn with some post breeding dispersal brings the biggest counts.

  4. I have seen two at the top of the whorral bank recently.

  5. Barn owls I mean Stew!
