
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

New Look...

Instead of the 'narrow strip down the centre' look, I fancied a blog that went right across the screen. Chances are there'll be some issues with it in time...

I have changed the header to the Kingfishers fighting. The birds are on the rock edge at Longhoughton Steel, the north end of the Boulmer patch in winter 2006.

This is one of my favourite photos. Even though the birds are a blur it shows the action that took place right in front of me. Not bad for a digi-scoped shot! Mssrs Malloy, McElwee, Dunn and Fisher would have filled their boots...I was lucky to be in the right place at the right time.

I thought there would be a serious casualty they were so mad. They were whistling and screeching the whole time. A sight I have not seen so well, before or since.

One or two interesting birds this week. Yesterday a Barn Owl flew in front of the car just south of Amble and today a nice adult Med Gull was in a Black headed frenzy at North Seaton Chip Shop...


  1. Well Stewart - I for one like the new look!

    I've also gone a funny green colour when looking at the banner picture. That's really amazing and the "bluriness" adds to it. Great shot!

  2. I like the background - it looks good! Steely uses it on the Farne's blog too.

  3. Like the new header Stewart, seems to me to its nice to see a good natural history shot, instead of a picture perfect close up.

    Regards brianr.

  4. how did you get it so wide,it now fills the screen.
    i want

  5. Thanks all.
    D - Its a new template called minima stretch on the blogger templates bit. Its quite good and can be changed around easily, even the background colours etc.

  6. Hi Stewart, went and read your archive again from 21.11.06, you have some great photos of the Kingfishers there. Always good to see a refreshed page. I'll stick with what I have as with my IT skills I'll probably bring down the network

  7. Whoa, bit of a shock, I had to check the URL as it didn't look like Blogger. It is effective though and does give a bit more space - pictures don't publish any larger though, that would be nice.

    Season's greetings.

    (If you've got minute would you take a moment to look at the tree pix over on my blog, I'd be interested to know if you'd ever seen this?)

  8. Yes liking the new "widescreen" look and that header is great ,crying out for your artistic talents as it would make a great piece of art work.

  9. Cheers all, Brian, I have thought about that. A bespoke header. We'll see....

  10. From Boulmer Birder I have been banished,
    My name, my links all have vanished.
    From Druridge too I’m cast adfrift
    The owners of these blogs are miffed.
    Lost and lonely, no Christmas cheer,
    Condemned to roam the blogosphere.
    Sturdy and stout these birders be,
    Friend they once considered me.
    What you ask was my great crime?
    Four blogs, three kids, one job, no time.
    Perhaps in time there’ll come a day
    When once again they’ll look my way.
    Welcomed back into the fold,
    We’ll laugh and drink like days of old.
    For now I leave you with some words
    No grudge, may you always find good birds.
