
Wednesday, December 03, 2008

More Waxers...

Out in the gloaming this morning, it was scarcely light as I fed the birds at home. Then I heard it. Softly at first, then louder, that trilling that can only spell one thing - Waxwings. I sometimes think that if I were deaf I'd have a lot less to write about here. Many birds I see ( and some I don't) are first located on call. Waxwings, Snow Bunts, Lapland Bunts, Redpolls, Northern Bullies, Sibe Chiffs, Yellow browed Warblers, Tree Pipits, Green Sands, Greenshanks, Kingfisher etc etc are generally heard long before I see them. Its then just a case of looking around for the culprit.

Today the Waxwings must have just come out of roost. At first I couldn't see them and carried on with my task, but then as it grew lighter two birds were sat up in next doors apple tree. Nice. Its been a really good early winter for them here, they are often tricky on the return journey in late February / March.

I see that a few are getting into southern parts now, and no doubt you'll have more to follow...


  1. I'm getting greener by the minute Stewart!

    Please could I have just a few down south? Even one would do (provided it was perched up with a berry in it's beak in good light and about 8 feet away from my camera lens!)

  2. Don't panic Tricia I'm sure some will turn up near you in January...
    I'm not so sure about the good light though...

  3. I'm loading up the garden with apples already!!
