
Sunday, September 14, 2008


Well, I might be getting carried away, but Little Grebe is still a good bird at Boulmer. This one is only my second here, but I can't see it staying too long, its chosen spot, the mere, was a five a side pitch in August so fish are thin on the ground. 30 Mallard and 7 Teal were also here but the ruff and godwit have moved on.

After yesterdays Honey Buzzard movement I thought I would stick to the patch in the hope I would add one to the list, but it was not to be.

A few of last week's migrants are lingering -

Redstart (above) 3
Spotted Fly 2
Willow Warbler 5
Goldcrest 2
Whinchat 5
Whitethroat 1

A trickle of birds moved south over head, noted on my raptor quest -

Meadow Pipit 52
Skylark 3
Redpoll a flock of 14
Grey Wagtail 2
Swift 1 a very late bird with House Martins.

A small arrival of 5 Song Thrushes included 2 birds high 'in-off', 40 Wigeon flew S and 20 N, coveys of 8, 9 and 6 Grey Partridges flushed from stubbles...

And thats about it really. Not bad I suppose...

128. Little Grebe
129. Redpoll sp.


  1. Remember the panic last year when red-legged partridge turned up on the patch. Grown men of some status rolling around a if a Alpine Accentor had turned up.

    you gotta love patch birding.

  2. yep patch watching is the best as even run of the mill birds are megas

  3. patch watching is brilliant a mega could be anything depending on suitable habitat on the patch thanks to freak weather and global warming you got your little grebe
    ps are you still looking for a coot

  4. Oh yes Chris Coot would be one to twitch.
