
Saturday, April 26, 2008

Warm today up here 16 degrees. Overcast, with a moderate SW4.

We were shopping at Alnwick this afternoon when the pager alerted me to a Red Kite half a mile north of Alnmouth at 2pm. Half a mile north of Alnmouth and you are almost at Boulmer, so off we went, shopping postponed for a while, hoping for a great patch tick. As usual with these things, not a sniff was had, but it was worth a look to keep piece of mind. I wonder if it went over my patch?

Back at home later we took Bunty for her walk around the Seaton Point. As we got out of the car a Whimbrel was walking around only 50 yards away in the field opposite, quite unconcerned. As we watched, my first Sand Martin of the year from the patch flew over head, very late indeed. They usually breed on the sandy cliffs here but all of their nest holes have been eroded away this winter so they may not stop this time.

Along the shore another 2 Whimbrels were feeding out on the rocks. A Buzzard soard over the village very high up ( pity it wasn't the kite)...

92. Sand Martin.


  1. Anonymous8:55 pm

    Stewart. I saw your comment on Abbey Meadows.
    I tried to leave a comment, but blogger does`nt accept my password for this purpose.

    Can you let him know it`s one of the Inkcaps, please.

  2. I have left a comment on Deans blog. Thanks
