
Saturday, December 29, 2007

Walked around Seaton Point at 8.30 this morning. The sun was just rising and the tide was beginning to fall. Lately this, once quiet, spot has been getting a few visitors in all weathers. At one time you could almost guarantee some solitude here, but even this morning I was first there but on the way back, my car was in a line of six others.

A good few waders on show this morning pushed up by the tide included 40 Turnstone, 21 Grey Plover, 5 Bar tailed Godwits, 8 Knot, 20 Oystercatcher, 20 Dunlin and 2 Sanderling. There was a large flock of mixed waders circling around in addition to this lot, numbering maybe 50 birds, probably Dunlin, Turnstone etc but too distant get get a look at. 35 Eiders and a Red breasted Merganser were on the sea and a couple of Rock Pipits were on the tide line.

No sign of the Brent on the flash this morning.

I pondered how there seems to have been quite a few Bullfinches around the lowlands lately. I might check the Boulmer plantation later on just in case, as I dont think there are any records for the patch ( well, I haven't seen any). If the weather holds. Its looking like rain now...


  1. What affect your Blog on the Boulmer tourist industry I wonder?

  2. Mmmm. Can't be that. I'm a miserable git at the best of times so I couldn't possibly make people want to visit. It's more likely to be the Angling Times...
