
Monday, December 24, 2007

It's a doddle...

See, its not so bad...

At Morrison's, Alnwick, at 07.45, in the house at 08.45, no problem. At this time, the car park was about quarter full. No sign of the hell-hole endured by my colleagues. Shopping put away, presents wrapped, now for the housework...Do you remember when I used to go birding?


  1. Eh, is that it - 'a doddle'?

    That can't be right - surely we all have to suffer the misery in equal measures?

    ps: Don't forget to hoover under the settee - if she's anything like my wife she's bound to check the minute she steps through the door.

  2. He he he...done the lot now on the drink. All the Best Alan...

  3. Anonymous12:05 am

    All the best to you and your better half For Christmas and 2008.
    happy trails.

