
Tuesday, December 04, 2007

December Migrants

Last night Redwings were 'seeping' overhead in the darkness when I had Bunty in the garden. What with December Short toed Lark, Desert Wheatear, Water Pipit, Waxwings etc only just arriving, I think thats evidence enough that 'autumn' doesn't stop in October...


  1. Yep, song thrushes and blackbirds in particular seemed to be on the move at the weekend up at Newton... quite a few in the dunes.... also plenty of siskins still moving...

  2. 50 fieldfares and a few redwings seen on monday close to cresswell, I thought these were new arrivals.
    Maybe the weather has remained 'fair' across the water giving a late or extended migration period.
    Also had a stonechat at linton, first time i have seen one there

  3. Anonymous12:12 pm

    i see u have seen 386 birds in britain have u been to the scilly isles yet surely that would boost your list or is it too far out the way i know it can be hard with family commitments etc ps have u seen a desert wheatear yet.

  4. Anonymous12:14 pm

    sorry forgot to leave name on comment

  5. Hi all.
    NS / ST Cheers .

    Fog - No I haven't been to Scilly yet. Its those southern specialities that are eluding me up here ie Serin, Tawny Pipit, Little Bittern, Aquatic Warbler, Wilsons Petrel etc. Its a long way down there.One day though...

    I've had three Desert Wheatears, two in Northumberland. Great little birds.

