
Sunday, October 14, 2007

Wet Wheat.

Above - A Goldfinch sketched in the field on burdocks.

Above - Wheatear, wet after a rock pool bath.

A nice calm bright day in the north.

A few hours from Boulmer to Low Steads this morning. Odd migrants around, 1 Chiffchaff singing, 1 House Martin, 10 Blackbirds, 2 Fieldfares in-off, 2 Lesser Redpolls, one showed well in the allotment, the other was overhead flying west, 2 Wheatears on the shore at the north end. A large flock of finches were feeding in the mugwort and burdock at Low Steads, 250+ Linnets and 30+ Goldfinches. 3 Snipe flew around, 38 Dunlin, 132 Lapwing, 7 Bar tailed Godwit and 1 Knot were on the shore, 16 Shags flew south in one flock, 1 Red throated Diver was on the sea.

A single Red Admiral flew west.


  1. liking the wheatear pics.
    just got bb are those your drawings in the the 'birds of holy island' book?


  2. Anonymous9:09 pm

    Cheers Darrell, yes those are my drawings. There are a few in the Where to Watch birds in North East England too but they aren't up to much...
