
Friday, October 05, 2007

A few short trips to Boulmer since the last post, mostly out with Bunty. Not much going on but the highlights have been 1 juv Peregrine over Seaton Point, 1 Greenshank over Seaton Point, 1 Chiffchaff in the golfcourse roadside bushes, 1 Redwing and 1 Fieldfare flew W near Longhoughton and a few small coveys of Grey Partridges.

I see the Brown Flycatcher has gone. Great. That puts a stop to my twitching and increasing my carbon footprint tomorrow and it will mean I get an extra trip on to the patch. It doesn't suprise me because at 3am this morning the sky was clear and there was a 'leaper's moon'. What with the Rubythroat on Foula thats 3 mega alerts this week out of reach for me. Who knows, I might just find the next one under a bush on Seaton Point...( pffff) Nice to see that I was of assistance to Darrell (Green Withens) in getting his most recent lifer ;-)

Oh and 27 Collared Doves at home this morning.

Keeping it real.



  1. sorry its gone.

    you live on the east coast as punkbirder says



  2. No probs Darrell, some you win as they say! Oh I hope I don't get an 'unstreaked acro'. I'd like summat with spots'n'stripes'n'that ...
