
Monday, March 19, 2007

Make over.

I like this new blogger. You can shove pictures where you like (?) and I didn't even lose my links.

Today the wind is a strong, bitterly cold N7. Its mostly bright and sunny with some flurries of snow and hail.

After a while getting my head around blogger changes, I went for a seawatch to Boulmer. This isn't the best time of year for this activity, but you never know what might turn up. Except in this case you could probably hazard a guess...

The only birds moving at sea were Gannets at a rate of about 150 per hour north and a party of 13 Dark bellied Brent Geese. Today is quite a big tide so the waves were lapping right up to the village. Sheltering from the weather were 142 Eiders, 5 Red breasted Mergansers, 35 Knot, 9 Bar tailed Godwit and a couple of Purple Sandpipers.

After this I took Bunty for a more sheltered excursion to Howick Woods. In here were Nuthatch singing, 2 male Bullfinches an 1+ Marsh Tit.

I have just been jumping about on blog links and have had a good laugh at this blog - "Raised by Chaffinches" -

88. Brent Goose.


  1. I like the new look, glad it wasnt too much of a pain to change

  2. Anonymous8:07 pm

    Dropped by for migrant news, but weather wrong, like the new look.
    Oh while i think on. Have you a digital version of split crow as my old tape has finaly died.

  3. Hang on Stewart did someone mention Split Crow, cough splutter, the almost legendary Split Crow, that sang such classics as Another Day Another Dollar and Sweet Darlin? You might have a digital version, holy shit that's like having Jimi Hendrix's plectrum stashed in your house and only getting it out to look at when no one else is around.
    Now if a copy could be arranged I might know of a tape that includes some live bootleg material from Ashington Central and wait for it some jams and songwriting stuff that didn't end up on the album including a track about roadkill called Dead Skunk.

  4. Dean - Yes Ihad to save my web counter and reinstall it. Lucky eh.

    ST - No. I still have Foss's album somewhere and I know that John Dickinson lives in Amble so I suppose its possible to get a copy.

    Eminem - You're not too bad yourself...

    Grocer - Calm down calm down. You know that bootleg stuff at the Central? I bet I'm on it!

  5. Anonymous7:54 pm

    I could convert it, but it would contain the odd grunt and scratch.
    John worked with the mrs for a while.
    Did you ever miss a you can count the missed ones,on one hand.
    If Arkwright finds his bootleg i would love a copy.
    P.S. how is the blonde, still a good night out?

  6. Haven't seen Foss for a while but he hasn't changed one bit...except for his house burning down, its all good!
