
Saturday, March 10, 2007

All quiet

Above - Male Blackcap and a Chaffinch, both in the garden. Photo's taken through a closed window...

Windy this afternoon with a strong S6, but it is quite sunny.

Two visits to Boulmer today with just about nothing to note. Knot had increased to 11 but other than that everything is keeping a low profile, probably due to a combination of the weather and the windsurfers in the haven. For me this is one of the worst times of the year for birding. A lot of winterers have moved on and its another month before the summer visitors arrive.

In the garden the male Blackcap has returned, and I've cut the grass for the first time this year.

This date is traditionally when I start looking for a singing Chiffchaff. Up here our spring migrants are always much later than those in the south. We usually get a Sand Martin or Wheatear around about the 18th, but our main spring arrival doesnt really start until the second week of April. I'm looking forward to it.


  1. I have a clean patch 6" in diameter!


  2. thank goodness spring is on its way too, the last week here has been full on sunshine, certainly makes me feel better, plus can get out more too...talking of which best be off!

    btw when are you changing over to the new blogger???
