
Saturday, February 24, 2007

I love Northumberland, me!

Above - Waxwing at Cramlington.

Well I am now suitably boiling. I have just read a blog ( and no I'm not giving it a link) by a Londoner who has moved to Northumberland and hates it. How my heart bleeds. It must be terrible to have a home in London and buy another up here ( one that I couldnt afford anyway) thus inflating our prices, and then having to suffer living in the north. Some tremendously patronising comments are attached too asking how on earth someone could have made such a move. Jeeze, you'd think they had moved to Soweto! I could solve their problems. Piss off back to London and give us our space back!

There thats vented my spleen now back to the job in hand.

Not a great deal happening through this week but I did have a nice Red Squirrel dash right in front of my car just up the road from the quarry. It could do with a chat with Tufty on road safety ( How old am I !!!). This is the first I've had in Longhoughton.

Yesterday I stumbled across a flock of Waxwings at Cramlington. I didn't go especially for them, but I work in the area so I was bound to meet them eventually as they have been around for a few days now. There were 10+ in a tree near the main road at the fire station, trilling away while they were digesting some berries no doubt.

Today at Boulmer the weather was mild, damp and drizzly, though it faired up later. I walked Bunts across the stubble to see if the Lap was still there but it wasn't. We did flush 6 Roe Deer and a few Grey Partridges though, all to a soundtrack of Skylarks singing.

At home, the female Blackcap was still on the feeders.

And you know, I didn't once fancy moving down to London to live...


  1. ahh wonderful waxwing

    Hey some of us darn sarf are not that bad :)

  2. Anonymous10:26 pm

    Hi Stewart,
    I lived in London for a bit when I was younger and I can tell you now, Northumberland beats the place hands down. I'm proud of the scenery and Biodiversity Northumberland has to offer. London you can keep it!!!!

  3. Ah Stewart, I think she hates being alone with three kids and few friends much more than she dislikes being in Northumberland.

  4. Hi all, I thought my tantrum might drum up some interest. Nic, it wasn't against suvveners in general, just one whingy one.
    Hiya Arkwright ( heh heh heh), I just didn't like the tone from the outset so I won't be going there again and ta for the support Darren.
    luv S...

  5. Stewart, I teel you what her whingeing has got her a (reported) £70,000 book deal, look out for the TV series....

  6. I blame Eastenders...

  7. Cor blimey. I just looked in to tell you I really like your site and I am about to blogroll it. (I like Northumberland too. Really I do.)best wishes
