
Friday, November 03, 2006


The first white frost of the year here this morning.Clear and sunny, a nice fresh
At lunchtime in Blyth today I popped down to the quayside and had 3 Little Auks and a Red throated Diver in the harbour.

I think that the Long tailed Duck I had yesterday was a year tick (156)


  1. You are so fortunate to live where you do. It sounds wonderful — rugged and not too populated. I used to live in a similar place back home in Ontario, Canada, with the woods, fields, and streams. But we did have a lot of flying biting insects as well, which we don’t seem to be bothered with here in Southern California. But it‘s mostly desert and chaparral, although we are only a mile from the Pacific, but there it’s all beach and lots of people.
    I have always been tempted to purse bird watching, getting interested in really knowing all about the flora in my area, and then photographing it all. Anyway I’ll keep you on my daily visit list as I enjoyed viewing what you have posted. Perhaps you have given me some motivation to get out there more and explore the area here to see what it has to offer. Best, Paul

  2. Thanks Paul, glad you like it. Get out there and learn about the wild things that live in your area, you wont regret it.

